学费 & 援助

学费 & 援助

电子游戏软件电子游戏正规平台生学位是对你未来的一项极好的投资. The Carroll School provides a wide range of merit-based scholarships and assistantships to both domestic and international full-time candidates. 电子游戏软件 also offers loan and work-study 项目 to help students finance their educations.

学费利率, 费用, 规则, 规定, 课程, and course content are subject to revision by the President and Board of Trustees or School Dean at any time.








兼职MBA & 无国界医生组织程序



无国界医生组织 & MSA项目

费用 & 费用

These are estimated amounts for the 2024–2025 academic year (a period of nine months). 有关出席费用的更多信息,请访问电子游戏正规平台生经济援助页面.

医疗保险*$4,133 (Fall semester: $1,795; Spring semester: $2,338)
* 2023-24学年每位学生的保险费. For part-time students, medical insurance is required if not provided by an employer.


所有申请全日制MBA的国内外学生, 无国界医生组织, 和MSA项目被考虑为基于成绩的奖学金或奖学金. 奖励决定与录取决定进行沟通.

电子游戏正规平台生助教奖学金可以与奖学金一起提供, 主要针对全日制MBA和无国界医生组织学生. These Assistantships offer a stipend in exchange for either research or administrative responsibility. 

The following table displays scholarship and fellowship allocations for students entering in Fall 2023.

全日制MBA课程95%以上约. 每年26,000美元


例如, 如果学生获得每年26美元的奖学金,000, 他们将得到13美元,每学期5万美元,共四个学期.

兼职MBA75%以上约. 10,000美元(一次性奖励)

奖学金每学期发放一次,为期两个学期, 从学生开始学习课程的第一个学期开始.

例如, 如果一个学生被奖励10美元,000年奖学金, 他们将得到5美元,第一学期的学费是1000美元,还有5美元,在接下来的一个学期里,我要交1000英镑. Note that part-time MBA and part-time 无国界医生组织 awards are one-time, non-renewable awards.

全职无国界医生组织和MSA超过45%约. 10,000美元(一次性奖励)


例如, 如果一个学生被奖励10美元,000年奖学金, 他们将得到5美元,在秋季学期交1000美元和5美元,000在春天.


通过莫妮卡·钱德拉在2003年设立的一项捐赠, 87届MBA和她哥哥阿米特·钱德拉, MBA 93, this fund provides scholarship assistance for MBA students enrolled in the 卡罗尔管理学院, with first preference to students from India and second preference to those from Southeast Asia.


These institutional awards are awarded to exceptionally strong MBA, MSA, and 无国界医生组织 candidates. 优秀学生奖学金 range in value and provide tuition remission for graduate study in the Carroll School.

黛安·H. 维斯 MBA ' 85纪念奖学金

由Diane H. 维斯, MBA/MSW ' 85咨询. 韦斯的父亲沃伦. 维斯. 该奖学金资助卡罗尔管理学院的一名学生, with first preference for a student in the MBA/MSW dual degree program and second preference for a student in the MBA program, 谁已经证明了专注于专业使命驱动的计划.

约翰·J. McMullen奖学金

2003年由John J. 麦克马伦P ' 81, 该奖学金旨在表彰优秀的全日制MBA候选人, 无国界医生组织, or dual degree MBA/无国界医生组织 项目 who have graduated from the United States Naval Academy. 美国政府推荐的受助人.S. Naval Academy may be granted full tuition remission for up to two years (20 months) of graduate study.

迈克尔·F. 普莱斯奖学金:华尔街高管奖学金项目

通过迈克尔·F·克林顿(Michael F. 价格P ' 02, the fellowship provides scholarship assistance for a full-time graduate student in the 卡罗尔管理学院.


Prospanica is a non-profit organization that seeks to empower Hispanic professionals to achieve their full educational, 经济, 社会潜力. 作为普洛斯帕尼察的合作学校, the 卡罗尔管理学院 offers Prospanica Fellowships to full-time and part-time MBA applicants of Hispanic heritage or to any individual who has demonstrated commitment to the Hispanic community. Candidates seeking to apply for this fellowship are required to have a minimum GPA of 3.0从学士或硕士学位, and must express interest in the fellowship in the essay section of their application.


The mission of Reaching Out MBA (ROMBA) is to increase the influence of the LGBT+ community in business by educating, 鼓舞人心的, 连接MBA学生和校友. 作为ROMBA合作学校, the 卡罗尔管理学院 offers the ROMBA LGBT+团契 to two full-time MBA applicants. Candidates seeking to apply for this fellowship are asked to express interest in the essay section of their application.


2004年由R. 小斯蒂芬·巴雷特., 78届工商管理硕士,2002届学士和Ruth T. 巴雷特P ' 02, the Barrett Family Fellowship provides support for a graduate fellow in the Carroll School.  

电子游戏软件卡罗尔管理学院认识到领导力, 团队合作, and critical-thinking skills developed through military service are excellent training for success in the business world. Many of the best candidates we have for our MBA and other graduate 项目 are active duty service men and women or military veterans.

The following services and resources are available to individuals with military experience.


To demonstrate our gratitude to military personnel and veterans, the Carroll School offers:

  • 自动减免$100申请费. 请与电子游戏正规平台生招生处联系 cgsomapp@expertbusinessresults.com 在递交申请前安排豁免.
  • Commitment to making competitive merit scholarships available to qualified military personnel.
  • Automatic one-year deferment should admitted military students' plans become delayed by their service branch.


退伍军人 and military personnel are eligible for financial assistance with educational expenses through the GI Bill®. Additionally, 电子游戏软件 is pleased to participate in the 黄丝带计划. 这个项目适用于美国退伍军人.S. 有资格享受后9/11退伍军人法案的武装部队. 

For more information about these benefits, please contact VA Certifying Official Linda Malenfant at 琳达.malenfant@expertbusinessresults.com.

有关退伍军人计划和服务的其他问题, 或者加入电子游戏软件的退伍军人社区, 联系退伍军人项目助理主任 & 迈克·洛伦兹报道 迈克尔.lorenz@expertbusinessresults.com.

U.S. 海军学院奖学金

通过约翰·J. McMullen奖学金, 卡罗尔商学院可能会认可优秀的全日制MBA申请者, 无国界医生组织, or dual degree MBA/无国界医生组织 项目 who have graduated from the United States Naval Academy. The Fellowship awards students full tuition remission for up to two years (20 months) of graduate study.

Eligible candidates will be considered for the Fellowship through the 电子游戏软件 Committee审核他们的申请. 如有任何问题,请直接向 bcmba@expertbusinessresults.com.

所有申请全日制MBA的国内外学生, 无国界医生组织, 和MSA项目被认为是基于成绩的奖学金和助学金. 奖学金的决定将与录取决定进行沟通.

For information and forms for federal financial aid or private loans, please visit 电子游戏正规平台生 & 法律及财政援助.

If you require more detailed information, please contact your financial aid couselor for assistance:

Students looking to fund their education may wish to consider online resources for information on grants and scholarships.  主要奖学金搜索提供商包括:

Ph.D. 金融支持

攻读博士学位是一项重要的时间投资, 能源, 当然还有财政资源. 电子游戏软件 provides financial support for its doctoral students to ensure that earning a Ph.D. 对您的未来是一笔值得的投资.

目前对博士学位的财政支持水平.D. students in the 卡罗尔管理学院 includes full tuition remission for all required coursework, 以及高达43美元的竞争性津贴,每年为新生提供000美元, 2024年秋季生效. 信誉良好的学生可以获得最多五年的支持.

作为对这种支持的回报, students serve as research and/or teaching assistants throughout the duration of their Ph.D. 项目. This support is based on the fact that students are expected to devote their full energies to the Ph.D. 计划在整个日历年度. 

请注意,每个项目的助学金要求各不相同, so please visit the "电子游戏正规平台 and Teaching Assistantship Requirement" sections in the individual Ph.D. 有关计划详情的网页.

欲了解更多信息,请 给电子游戏正规平台生招生办公室发邮件 或者拨打617-552-3920.
